CCDS Socialist Education Project Fourth Monday Webinar

May 24, 2021, 9 pm Eastern Time

 More than Neighbors: US/México Solidarity


We think of México as a neighbor with whom we share a border. But just four decades after México won independence from Spain, the US annexation of nearly half of México melded the two countries’ peoples and destinies. The history of the US/México relationship, both on the part of the two governments and also on the part of the two peoples, is not past; it defines the present and determines the future. How is that manifested? How can those relationships be developed so working people of México and the US can effect transformational change?


Join Javier Bravo, historian and Morena activist in Guanajuato, and BIll Gallegos, veteran of the Chicano movement in the US. Both are founders of the bi-national México Solidarity Project.


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